Liquid Photopolymer
The Survival of the world is in your hand. Please use LIQUID PHOTO-POLYMER to be your flexo printing plate, because you can save up to 30% of your material used every time you print. Click me to find out why.
Plate Making System
We started our Reach & Development since 2002 until now, From our smallest Machine 1909 to the largest size machine 5080 We build our own plate making system to ensure the quality of the printing plate. Click me to find out more about our Plate Making System
Moire Art Center
We have breakthrough the traditional way to supply PRE-PRINT artwork, now you can order your pre-print artwork with our MOIRE ART CENTER via Internet. Click here to see how it works.
Printing Accessory
As a solution provider on Pre-press & Post-press, Your printing accessory is a part of our concern. We do supplying the printing accessory such as "Base film", "Polyester Film" , "Printing Cushion" etc. Click me to find out more

Company Mission
Products That Exceed Expectation
Our company aims to be " Your Preferred Prepress & Postpress Solution Provider". We ensure all our products and services provided not only fulfill our clients' stringent requirements but also exceed their expection by offering addtional value creation.
On time Delivery (OTD)
In business, we fully comprehend "Time is Money". To ensure that our products deliver value, our production team operate under stringent Key Performance Measures to ensure that our products delivery are always on time and on budget.
Excellent After Sales Service
Our company believes that after sales service is very important. Unparellel after sales support and service is the only way our customer will ever come back to us. in P&D, 80% of our businesses are repeat clients and that itself serves as the testament of our unparellel after sales support and service.
The Statistic
Material Distribution for Liquid Photopolymer
We are the appointed authorize distributor for
These 3-world renowned manufacturers produces the best Liquid Photopolymer available on the market today.

Our Liquid Photopolymer Plate Making Systems comprise of:
- Main Exposure System
- Post Exposure & Light Finishing System
- Auto-Washout & Dryer System
- Reclaiming System
Our Liquid Photopolymer Plate Making Systems and equipments are of state-of-the-art technology and at the same time stable & durable.
Our plate making methodology strives to achieve 2 objetives:
- Flexible yet simple production process to showcase our production transparentcy to our clients
- Straigh through production process for cost minimisation making our plate affordable to our clients
We have great experience in...
the strength of our COPMANY
99.9%Material Knowledge Support
90%Artwork Knowledge Support
90%Plate Making System Knowledge Support
80%Flexo Printing Knowledge Support